Happy New Year!  The festivities and excess are finally behind us for another year (well, maybe not the excess...) and life is settling back down into its normal routine. We had a crazy, fun holiday season, filled with good food, wine, family and friends, and I'm excited about 2011.

We spent New Year's Eve day in the City with some great friends.  We played tourist with the kids and had a blast. We started the day at Coit Tower - which, unfortunately, was closed for renovations!  Oh well. The views were still awesome. The best part? The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill decided to put on quite a show for us!
The best thing about getting an early start on New Year's Eve day is that there were very few people about.  We took the kids down Lombard Street next and then headed to Union Square, where we did our annual ice skating. My girl was much improved this year and managed to not pull me down into a puddle (as she did last year).  Huge progress!
We went into the St. Francis to look at this year's sugar castle. My daughter loves riding the glass elevators there and the security guard was kind enough to let us through and take the kids on the elevator.  We rode it up and down a couple of times while the kids squealed in delight.
I often say my daughter is part magpie - she gravitates toward anything shiny. She also loves a good bargain, and the two things combined explain why she adores Chinatown. So we wandered around the shops, buying some cheap shiny doodads for our magpie, and then made our usual stop at the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. We wandered around some more and eventually ended our fun day with a fabulous dinner at Plouf in Belden Place.

We may not have stayed out until midnight but we had a blast and spent the time with good friends, which is what New Year's is all about.  It was the perfect way to end the year.

Now, I'm looking forward at the year ahead. I'm excited to continue cultivating my wine habit - I mean hobby - by learning more and drinking more and continuing to meet great people from the wine community. But I confess, right at the moment, I am looking forward to spending this next week actually drying out after the holidays! Can we go a week without wine? Stay tuned....


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