Happy Birthday to me!

So, the idea for this blog has been germinating in my dark little brain for a while now. I've gone back and forth, worrying and wondering. Will I have anything to write about? Will anyone even care? Well, I've come this far and I've decided to hell with it! I might as well give it a try.

Today is my birthday so it's fitting that it's also the birth day of my blog. I admit, I have the first post jitters!

In addition to my new blog, my birthday present to myself today was aceing (acing? they both look wrong) the final exam (such as it was) and completing the last of my wine education for Vino Virtuoso. Honestly, I had so much fun with the training, that alone has made my investment worthwhile. Twelve hours of lectures, lots of reading and studying, followed by the Wine Spectator online course, and I feel much more knowledgeable (although I'm afraid I've forgotten a lot already).  I'm excited and nervous about putting my new knowledge to the test and hosting my first wine tasting event next week.  It's something totallly new and different for me. I hate being the center of attention, hate being in front of people. But I love wine, and learning about wine, and am hopeful that I'll also love sharing my love of wine. And hey - drinking the wine certainly will help loosen me up, right? That said, I'm glad my first foray into this new venture will be in my own living room in front of a few friends who won't laugh (got that, friends?!) when I make a mistake. 

So, I'm off to celebrate my day with my husband and daughter. I'm hoping I won't have to cook dinner but either way, there will be a bottle of wine to mark the occasion tonight. Which one? That remains to be seen. Cheers! 

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